› added 2 years ago


TIL in 2017, Zac Efron nearly experienced a mental breakdown trying to achieve the 'perfect' body for Baywatch. In 2019, he admitted he never wants to be in that good of shape again, calling it an "unrealistic" ideal for men.

wLlbM TIL that in 1888 Kentucky State Treasurer James "Honest Dick" Tate disappeared with $250,000 in state funds after years of embezzling the state's treasury. He was never heard from or seen again. His theft is what spurred the state to impose strict terms limits on state office holders.
QN0Pd TIL George Clooney sent the original Ocean's 11 script to Julia Roberts with a $20 bill on it, writing, "I hear you get 20 a picture now." He was referring to Roberts' per-movie rate of $20 million at the time. Roberts was amused with the joke and signed on to star.
Ovd4 TIL that although homosexuality is punishable by death in Iran, transexuality is nevertheless fully legal and the Iranian government regularly funds gender reassignment surgeries. Iran carries out more gender change operations than any country in the world besides Thailand.
N7Ynb TIL Mary Ellen Pleasant, a black woman, pretended to be white, listen to white men of finace's gossip, using the knowledge to earn a $30 million fortune. After the civil war, she let everybody know she was black.
ep7a4 TIL that one of the oldest national anthems, the Spanish National Anthem Marcha Real, has no official lyrics at all. It's just the music. And while it is played people just hum "na na na" to the music.