› added 6 years ago


TIL There is a mental delusion called "The Truman Show delusion" where patients believed their lives were reality television shows. One traveled to NewYork to check whether the World Trade Center had actually fallen—believing 9/11 attacks to be an elaborate plot twist in his personal story line.

O7a1 TIL that the word “set” has 464 definitions, making it the most ambiguous word in the English language
GYR85 TIL 15 year old Kate Winslet began a romantic relationship and with 27 year old Stephen Tredre while working on a film. She cohabited with him in London until 1995. Winslet missed the premiere of Titanic to attend his funeral. In a 2008 interview, she said that she had never gotten over his death.
x61o1 TIL that famous Egyptologist Howard Carter's gravestone has a quote from the Wishing Cup of Tutankhamun, an artifact that he discovered. It reads "May your spirit live, may you spend millions of years, you who love Thebes, sitting with your face to the north wind, your eyes beholding happiness."
aDYA TIL George Clooney loves the show South Park. He got a hold of Trey Parker, the creator, for a part and was given the role of “Sparky,” the gay dog, which involved little more than panting and yelping. However, when it went to the big screen,Clooney got a full speaking part, as an ER surgeon.
ANK9n TIL Kazakhs living in the vicinity of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test site believe they are a new breed of human and call themselves 'nuclear mutants', who have adapted to the radiation present in their home. Some even believe they need it to survive.