› added 3 years ago


TIL Buddy Holly asked his wife out on their first meeting and proposed to her on the second. His manager disapproved of the relationship saying it would upset his female fans, so during his tours she was presented as his secretary.

oBKL8 TIL in 1903, a man named Ellis Hughes stole a 32,000 lb meteorite by secretly moving it from a neighbor's property onto his own. It took Hughes, his son and their horse 90 days to move it 3/4 of a mile. Once it arrived, he claimed he found it there and charged 25 cents admission to see it.
P1l9E TIL A cypress knee is a distinctive structure forming above the roots of a cypress tree of any of various species of the subfamily Taxodioideae, like the bald cypress. Their function is unknown, but they are generally seen on trees growing in standing water
wYGY TIL In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, angels procreate with women and create a giant warrior race. The fallen angels also teach men to make weapons, how to apply eye shadow,and how to make jewelry. The book ends with them being imprisoned, and the earth being destroyed by a flood.
YpAB7 TIL that ONLY Air Force planes are called Air Force One when carrying the president. "Marine One" and "Navy One" are used for presidential flights on aircraft by those branches, and there has been one "Executive One" flight on a civilian aircraft.
MkOK TIL that all expecting mothers in Finland can receive a “starter box” of baby clothes, bedding, nappies and toys from the government for free. The bedding fits the box so you can use it as a crib.