› added 4 years ago


TIL the word 'assassin' comes from the order of Hashashins, a sect from the middle ages. Young boys were believed to be shown paradise by giving them cannabis (hashish). The leader would ask them to e.g. kill someone, 'so he could get them back to paradise' afterwards. They complied.

grd1L TIL a countries average height is correlated with higher protein consumption. The strongest predictor of adult male height was dietary protein consumption, specifically the “protein index”, especially from animal sources like milk and pork.
loAnA TIL of the Mosquito machine and ringtone. The machine emits a high-pitched buzz that drives away loiterers and can be tuned to be heard only by teens. The ringtone, created by sampling the machine tone, uses the same buzz to make phones ring without being heard by teachers or another adults.
M7Qw0 TIL that there are tanker ships out there that only transport fruit juice
e0XA5 TIL Bulgaria ended up at war with everyone in 1944 by accident. Bulgaria declared war on Germany due to Soviet pressure, not knowing that the Soviets, tired of waiting, declared war on Bulgaria the same day. By the next day Bulgaria was at war with the USSR, US, UK and Germany all at the same time.
Y7nMG TIL that Milton Bradley originally had been in the business of selling pictures of celebrities. After his biggest seller Abraham Lincoln grew his iconic beard and rendered his entire stock of lithographs worthless and had customers demanding their money back, MB switched to selling board games