› added 11 years ago


TIL Jack Unterweger became an Austrian celebrity after writing plays and stories while in prison for murder. On release he went on TV talk shows about prisoner reform and the recent murders of several prostitutes. As a journalist he interviewed other prostitutes and even police. He was the killer.

kJOxW TIL that the first Minister of Finance of Iraq was Jewish. One of his notable decisions was demanding that Iraq’s oil revenue be remunerated in gold rather than sterling - a decision that saved Iraq huge sums of money when the Pound sterling plummeted.
kOBg TIL that much like Coca-Cola using cocaine to give their drink an extra kick 7up used to contain lithium to stabilize the mood of the consumer.
PYv7g TIL that Gilles de Rais, known for being a former ally of Joan of Arc who was executed for occultism and murdering 600 children, may have been the victim of a plot by the Catholic Church and/or the French state. No corpses were found at his estate and the prosecutor used the trial to seize his land.
QJKnL TIL that Hugh Laurie struggles with severe clinical depression. He first became aware of it when he saw two cars collide and explode in a demolition derby and felt bored rather than excited or frightened. As he said: “boredom is not an appropriate response to exploding cars".
6E1rJ TIL After illegally demolishing a historic London pub that survived the Blitz, a property developer/lawyer was ordered by court to rebuild it brick by brick.