› added 11 years ago


TIL Jack Unterweger became an Austrian celebrity after writing plays and stories while in prison for murder. On release he went on TV talk shows about prisoner reform and the recent murders of several prostitutes. As a journalist he interviewed other prostitutes and even police. He was the killer.

R5NMw TIL Woodpeckers ram their bills at 25 times per second with 1200g’s acceleration.This research refutes the theory that their skulls act like helmets, absorbing the shock of impact. Instead, they minimize it to strike harder
Q6Za TIL that ancient Roman kids wore amulets devoted to the divine phallus. These effigies depicted winged penises or fist/penis hybrids - home charms showed ejaculating penises into eyes or multi-phallic sculptures. These charms helped protecting from evil eye (eg.babies’ necks), give strength or luck.
e0506 TIL the American flag was designed by a High School Student. Happy Independence Day!
v15J7 TIL that whilst investigating the spread of HIV in Los Angeles and San Francisco, researchers used the letter 'O' to refer a case of someone "outside the state of California". The letter O, however, was interpreted by some readers as the numeral 0. The designation ''Patient Zero'' was born.
wMZJ TIL: Of MSG Roy Benavidez who was shot in the face, head, right leg, stomach, thigh, bayoneted, and hit in the back by grenade fragments during one of his tours of Vietnam was about to be placed into a body bag when he spit in the doctors face to signal that he was still alive.