› added 10 years ago


TIL Penn Jillette had skin growing inside his skull. He and Teller decide to shoot a magic trick during the surgery. Since Penn’s a teetotaler, he couldn’t get the full anesthetic and remain conscious for the trick. As a result his pain made the footage so disturbing it was unusable.

VM9D0 TIL the world's first photographic process, the daguerreotype, was capable of recording fine detail better than today's digital cameras. A panoramic photo captured in 1848 was taken at a resolution equivalent to 140,000 megapixels.
BrPEk TIL that there's a historical period officially referred to as the Pornocracy. 904 AD-906 AD was a super corrupt time for the Papacy and later scholars called it the Pornocracy, the Hetaerocracy, or the Rule of Harlots. (The Catholic Church refers to it as the saeculum obscurum, or dark century.)
m150o TIL the song "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from the 1964 movie Mary Poppins was written by the Sherman brothers. They were sued by songwriters who had written a prior song by the same name. The brothers won; however, it was discovered that the word was used earlier in 1931.
kO785 TIL that people who are around roaches often develop allergies, and thus can't drink pre-ground coffee as it contains ground roaches
1ayKr TIL that in 2017, a Tinder profile was created for Sudan, the last male Northern White Rhino describing him as the ‘most eligible bachelor in the world’. His profile started with the line “I’m one of a kind”. He was euthanized on 19 March 2018, after suffering from age-related complications.