› added 10 years ago


TIL according to “The Simpsons” director of animation (David Silverman), the city of Springfield is located in the fictional state of “North Takoma”.

LoPQ TIL when St. Augustine, writing in the fourth century A.D., observed his teacher St. Ambrose reading to himself without moving his tongue or murmuring, he thought the unusual behavior so noteworthy as to record it in his “Confessions”.
1a4gO TIL of Valerie Browning - a woman who with her husband Ishmael has been serving the people of Afar, Ethiopia (one of the hottest places on earth) since 1973. She grew up in Armidale, New South Wales. She has been providing medicine, food and education to the people living there.
5YN9B TIL Charles Darwin's captain of the HMS Beagle, Robert FitzRoy, invented the first scientific weather forecasts and weather forecasting service. While often correct and immensely popular, the inaccuracy of his predictions and subsequent criticisms contributed to his depression and eventual suicide.
ZpZAo TIL that in 1945, a bulldozer in Liverpool uncovered a narrow metal cylinder containing the skeleton of a man. Diaries and other personal effects on the remains strongly suggest that the man died in 1885, but the exact circumstances of how he ended up in the cylinder remain unknown
b194 TIL There was a phone booth in the middle of the Mojave Desert that people from all over the world would call. Today, you can still call the number and talk to people (760) 733-9969