› added 12 years ago


TIL that despite the extreme cold in Antartica, there is a portion of it at it’s center that has no ice. This is due to a “dry valley” instance where precipitation does not enter (and thus no ice is created).

oBbGW TIL the Popsicle was invented by an 11-year old boy after he inadvertently left a glass of soda water with stirring stick outside overnight in freezing weather. Later, during the Great Depression, he made the single pop into twins so hungry children could share a pop for the same price as a single.
rRbR0 TIL that France is the world’s biggest tourist destination, receiving nearly 20 million more visitors annually than the runner up, USA. This is doubly impressive when you consider that the US is over fifteen times the size of France.
OovJ7 TIL that in 1758, Carl Linnaeus, in his book Systema Naturæ, divided humans into five "subspecies:" the white, sanguine, and powerful Europeans; the yellow, melancholy, and severe Asians; the red, choleric, and stubborn Americans; the black, stony, and lax Africans; and the "wild, monstrous" others.
6ERZm TIL George Miller the director and co-creator of the Mad Max series has personally only won 1 Oscar award. Miller won the award for best animated feature for directing Happy Feet. He also directed the sequel to Babe, Babe: Pig in the City.
J1YLl TIL: Of Dagobert, the “DuckTales” Bandit. Frustrated artist Arno Funke built bombs and extorted high-end stores in the 1980s/1990s, calling himself Dagobert [for the German] Scrooge McDuck.He became a German folk hero, for his intricate mechanical devices, care in avoiding hurt, & intrepid escapes