› added 6 years ago


TIL the Kit Kat chocolate bar can trace its origins to a worker at the chocolate bar factory who put a note in the suggestion box saying the company should invent a chocolate bar that “a man could take to work in his pack up”.

VDG TIL George Washington refused to accept a salary while in office, and instead, simply asked to be reimbursed for his expenses at the end of the war
9YQGr TIL: Playing cards featuring summaries of cold cases and victims' photos have been made available to prison inmates in several U.S. states. So far, approximately 40 cases have been solved as a direct result of being featured on the cards.
MeEQK TIL that outside of the West Coast, the US government has identified Tennessee and Missouri as the most at risk for a catastrophic earthquake. A 2009 study predicted 7.2 million people displaced, 715k buildings damaged and 86k casualties.
1aBj8 TIL that Charlie Chaplin made the Hitler mocking film, "The Great Dictator", in 1940 using his own money because none of the Hollywood studios were comfortable irking the Germans as they had financial relations with them. The film is said to be one of the greatest works of Charlie Chaplin.
E1YQP TIL In 1953, after the shooting ended in the Korean War, the Americans dropped leaflets offering $100,000 to any North Korean pilot who landed a MiG-15 in South Korea. A defector arrived soon after and the plane was impounded and meticulously examined. Chuck Yeager was among the first to fly it.