› added 5 years ago


We’ve seen people on skateboards and motorcycles loop the loop many times. Damian Walter is the first human to do it on foot. To run it without falling, you need to reach the right speed; then, centrifugal forces will keep you locked on the track. Note how his shoulder line stays dead centre of the loop. For this particular one, Damian needed to accelerate up to 8.65 mph in the highest point to be able to gain enough inertia as to rotate his body and legs around his head fast enough, so when gravity finally wins, he’s already feet down on the track.

LkVWP TIL Rep. Ed Orcutt suggested a CO₂ tax for cyclists/bikers because "they exercise and breathe hard and therefore exhale more CO₂", claiming biking is bad for the environment.
QNdBk TIL that Frank Eugene Corder, while severely intoxicated, crashed a Cessna 150 on the grounds surrounding the White House on September 12, 1994. He was killed on impact.
P116J TIL Dame Judi Dench was in The Chronicles of Riddick, because Vin Diesel wanted to work with her. The writers has to re-create a role to fit her: Aereon, an Elemental alien ambassador. She called filming "tremendous fun", though she "had absolutely no idea what was going on in the plot"
XEGgP TIL that term 'patient zero' was coined by mistake during the 80's AIDS pandemic, when someone read Patient O (as in first recorded in US Outside California) wrongly
Y7PnG TIL The former Confederate President Jefferson Davis met a crowd of 7,000 cheering people when he came to Montreal, Canada. Montreal had been a safe haven for Confederates during the Civil War and some Canadians had supported the Confederacy out of fear the Union might invade Canada.