› added 6 years ago


TIL why coins have ridges on the sides... Criminals in the 1700s saw they could make a good profit by filing shavings from the sides of gold and silver coins. Today’s coins contain no precious metals but, you’ll still find those ridges to make them distinguishable for visually impaired people.

9Yerm TIL students at Saint Andrews University in Scotland have a tradition of stripping off their clothes and running into the freezing sea
7r7e7 TIL there's a hotel in Sweden that requires fire alarms despite it being made entirely of ice
epwBb TIL Cats have little to no ability to taste sweetness
n5rB TIL that Mississippi has the highest rate of child vaccination of any state, at 99.7%.
lo1v5 TIL the human eye can only move smoothly when it is tracking a target