› added 6 years ago


TIL - In the 1940s, the Soviet Union began the trend of using "whataboutism" where instead of addressing concerns or questions, Soviet leaders would respond with, “What about…” and then draw attention to unfavorable events in the U.S. and other parts of the Western world

JGd8 TIL that Saddam Hussein’s regime genocided an entire race of 500,000 people known as the “Marsh Arabs” after the Persian Gulf War by literally destroying the environment that their entire civilation was built upon, building 32 dams to turn their homes and farms into desert.
PYaZV TIL scientists have successfully created a process to genetically modify pigs to produce human-transplantable organs. The method edits the genetics of pig DNA to prevent our bodies from rejecting their organs. It would end transplant lists overnight. Human trials are starting.
6EbDm TIL Australian children's author Jackie French wrote a critically acclaimed novel called "Hitler's Daughter". Hitler's secret daughter, Heidi, escaped from the ruins of Berlin and emigrated to Australia, where she grew old and eventually revealed the truth to her granddaughter
Mj68 TIL that those who know Superman’s secret identity include Batman, Supergirl … and Muhammed Ali.
JYx6B Research in mice shows that neural representations of sensory information get rotated 90 degrees to transform them into memories. In this orthogonal arrangement, the memories and sensations do not interfere with one another.