› added 6 years ago


TIL that in Denmark, they assess fines for drunk driving as follows: (blood alchohol percentage) x 10 x (monthly salary).

VMgoD TIL that Archimedes estimated the value of pi with a polygon in a circle in a polygon. He made the diameter of the circle 1, so the circumference was pi. With the circle's diameter, he found the perimeters of the polygons. Therefore, the value of pi (the circle's circumference) is in between them.
VBWdB TIL There are around 300 petroglyph sites on the British Columbia coast, with concentrations on Gabriola Island. Only fewer than 30 can be dated and erosion means it is unlikely ancient carvings would be preserved. The Snuneymuxw request no photographs or rubbings be taken of the petroglyphs
b9KZZ TIL about Makuragaeshi which are Japanese spirits that visit people at night to flip their pillows over. They're mentioned in stories from the Edo period to modern times. In ancient Japan, they believed the soul left the body during dreams and that it couldn't return if the pillow was flipped.
yQaQX TIL the phrase "running amok" comes from a folk sickness in Malay/Indonesian cultures in which a man with no violent history will attempt to kill anyone he encounters in a sudden frenzy. It is thought an evil tiger spirit entered his body, therefore no ill will is held towards the man afterwards.
VXyQ TIL That wrestling legend Superstar Billy Graham sold his WWE Hall of Fame ring on eBay because he was pissed at Vince McMahon.