› added 5 years ago


TIL from the 16th to 19th centuries the Ottoman Empire enslaved over 1 million Europeans from ship and coastal raids of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, France, England, and the Netherlands. Some slaves were even captured by European pirates who then sold them to the Ottomans.

0lOR TIL that when Bill Murray’s character in “Kingpin,” Ernie McCracken, bowls three straight strikes in the final showdown, Murray actually accomplished the feat himself. The crowd’s response is a genuine reaction to the actor’s surprising skill.
N76GM TIL that for the film 'Ray' (2004), Jamie Foxx had to wear eye prosthetics that would make him go blind for up to 12 hours a day. It barely left him any time to sleep because he would practice piano after shooting with the blindfold on. He went on to win the Oscar for best actor for his performance.
p8llA TIL that the moment Beck said: "Render my illusion suit." to William, that's where the duo started recording the video of Mysterio framing Spider-Man for the Elementals and Europe/Mexico attacks and exposing his identity before he dies, serving as a last contingency and so it was sent to the Bugle.
LxmV TIL in 2004 van Gogh’s great-grandnephew, Theo, was murdered for making a film about violence against women in Islam. He was shot more than 8 times, cut in the throat to decapitate him, stabbed in the chest and stabbed with another knife attaching a note that threatened Western countries & Jews.
nWj89 TIL it's impossible for a human to drown in quicksand because the human body is less dense than sand. The deepest a person can sink is to their waist