› added 5 years ago


TIL The title character of Edward Bulwer-Lytton‘s 1828 novel Pelham, dandy aristocrat Henry Pelham, wore only black evening wear. The novel’s popularity resulted in black becoming the real life standard color for men’s evening formal wear, which it still is nearly 200 years later.

XEWQr TIL the phrase “revenge is a dish best served cold” expresses the sentiment that revenge that is delayed, and executed well after the heat of anger has dissipated, is more satisfying than revenge taken as an immediate act of rage.
p8J9G TIL There isn’t an exact normal number of times a person should use the bathroom per day. While some people may go a few days without a regular bowel movement, others poop once or twice a day on average
nr4d TIL there is a tribe called the Sentinelese who live on a tiny island in the Indian Ocean. For thousands of years they have refused all contact with the outside world. Using only stones and arrows, they have successfully repelled Arabs, Persians, Indians, Europeans, and a fucking helicopter.
b66GQ TIL that Bobby Bonilla not only has a deferred-contract plan with the Mets that gets him $1.19M every July 1st, but he also has a second one with the Baltimore Orioles for another $500.000 every year from 2004 until 2029.
4k88J TIL that purple became associated with royalty due to a shade of it named Tyrian purple, which was created using the mucous glands of Murex snails. Even though it smelled horrible, this pigment was treasured in ancient times as a dye because its intensity deepened with time instead of fading away.