› added 3 years ago


TIL The male gypsy moth can "smell" virgin female gypsy moths within a 1.8 mile (2.9km) radius

LkdJv TIL the success of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution has been attributed in part to soccer hooligans, whose experience in street brawling and resisting police was useful in protecting the mass demonstrations in Tahrir Square from being cleared out by police.
mxkeO TIL there is a psychological condition known as Cherophobia, It quite literally means the fear of being happy. Individuals with this condition are said to experience anxiety at joyful events like parties, refuse to engage in life improving oppotrunities, and shun joyous people.
1VE4 TIL John Kellog published books condemning masturbation and suggested it be treated by sewing foreskin shut with silver wire and burning the clitoris with carbolic acid. He believed meat consumption lead to masturbation and urged people to eat more cereals - which led to the nvention of Corn Flakes
AD8dB TIL that when the 1907 Monongah mine disaster killed at least 367 coal miners in Marion County, West Virginia, the coal company tried to blame it on child workers playing pranks with explosives and igniting the massive explosion.
MeLEB TIL In 1990 Disney wanted to put Minnie Mouse on the $5 bill of their in house currency and promote it as the first woman on a dollar bill. It was then revealed that Martha Washington on a $1 bill in 1891. In reality Pocahontas was even earlier, appearing on a $20 bill in 1863.