› added 4 years ago


TIL the Ancient Egyptian historian Manetho claimed that Moses was an Egyptian priest named Osarseph who led a colony of leper slaves and invited barbarians to destroy Egypt. After 13 years, the pharaoh Amenhotep and his son Ramses drive them out of Egypt. Osarseph then changes his name to Moses.

D1oeJ TIL There is a pepper variety, called Padrón (name of a town in Spain, where they grow), that can either be spicy or not and they don't have any visible characteristic to distinguish them. The amount of water and sunlight received during growth influence their spiciness.
WkDl4 TIL the 9th president of the USA William Henry Harrison, contracted and subsequently died of pneumonia after performing A exhausting 8,445 word speech in subzero conditions with no coat or gloves for warmth.
9w856 TIL the Peregrine Falcon was saved from extinction when scientists invented copulation hats (commonly known as "fuck hats") to mimic female mating and later collect male semen
5YgeQ TIL Lightning plays an important part in the Earths nitrogen cycle by breaking down nitrogen molecules in the air, so they can be dissolved by rain, and then carried down to Earth. Nitrogen is a very important element and needed for the production, growth, and decomposition of every living thing.
1aGE7 TIL Cap’n Crunch once gave a free prize whistle that blew a 2600 Hz tone - so if you dialed a long distance phone number and blew the whistle, it gave you free long distance calls.