› added 3 years ago


TIL that when Lafayette visited America in 1824, he and Thomas Jefferson collapsed in each other's arms and cried upon their reunion. They had not seen each other since 1789. Jefferson had to have somebody else read the speech he prepared because he was so emotional that his voice was too weak.

WvnX TIL that in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson had wrote,“We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable.” It was Benjamin Franklin who changed “sacred” to “self-evident” to champion rationality as opposed to religious providence
deK8 TIL that more than 190 concentration camps were built by the fascist Francoists to imprison and kill Spanish Republicans during the Spanish Civil War.
YlVr TIL A photo of a man stealing a wallet in a store was on the bottom of The Lewiston Tribune on December 14, 2007. Above it was an unrelated photo of a man painting a business. Readers noticed both men were wearing the same clothes. They were identified to be the same person leading to his arrest.
p8RDQ TIL that Helium (He) is the only element on the periodic table that was not discovered on Earth. It was found when analyzing the sun’s spectrum, hence its name which comes from the Greek god of the sun Helios.
wLvw6 TIL an off duty border patrol agent started an Arizona wildfire by shooting a crate of explosives in dry grass. The gender reveal party started a wildfire that consumed 47,000 acres and cost 8.2million USD to put out.