› added 2 years ago


TIL locusts can exist in two states. Solitary and gregarious. In low populations, locusts behave as individuals. But in high populations they undergo polyphenism where they experience physiological and behavioral changes. Even their color can change when they form a swarm

5YKnD TIL microwave ovens are pretty old technology, the first commercial microwaves were sold to restaurants as early as 1947. In 1965 they were small enough to fit in a countertop and they became a common kitchen appliance in the 70s.
4J8X TIL after WW2 was over, everyone got freed from the concentration camps at the end of the war…except the gay people, many of which were forced to remain in imprisonment for their “crimes” and were not acknowledged as victims of Nazi persecution.
lo10V TIL Polish community in the UK tried to build a memorial to commemorate the Katyn Massacre (22K Poles were killed in 1940 by the USSR), but it was rejected by successive UK governments due to Soviet’s pressure. When it was unveiled in 1976 no official government representatives showed up.
WbN8 TIL that WalMart and McDonalds are the 3rd and 4th largest employers in the world; only the armies of the United States and China employ more people.
R7rQa TIL the Afghan boy made famous by his makeshift Lionel Messi football jersey in 2016 later had to flee his home when the Taliban came after him by name, leaving behind the signed jersey and ball he received from the football star.