› added 5 years ago


TIL: Queen Victoria had a platonic relationship with her Indian servant (Abdul Karim) and promoted him as her "Munshi" (teacher). He became her closest confidant and due to the attention and benefits he gets from the queen, he had conflict with almost everyone in the Royal Household.

xVxx1 TIL a group of British schoolchildren ran their own international arms dealership during their lunch break. They bought and sold military weaponry to armies and militias around the world. This was 100% legal.
BQmr TIL The Censored Eleven, eleven Loony Toons cartoons witheld from syndication in 1968, were only shown past that as a special presention in a single theater in 2010 (Now available on Youtube)
oBxxY TIL Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier take an average of six hours to prepare their uniform. They are also required to memorize 35 pages of information about Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, including the locations of 300 graves and who is buried in each one.
8Ylb TIL the main component of education in Turkmenistan has been almost completely replaced by memorization of the “Ruhnama”, the president’s personal autobiography. An engineer reported that all his son learns is passages. “He has begun telling me off because he has memorised more of the book than me.”
kOyV1 TIL Even after being falsely prosecuted in the Dreyfus Affair Alfred Dreyfus returned to the French army and fought in World War One. Dreyfus fought at the Battle of Verdun and rose to the rank of Lieutenant-colonel.