› added 6 years ago


TIL that during his time in the Army, Jackie Robinson was put on trail for refusing to sit in the segregated portion of an army bus. Robinson was acquitted by an all-white panel of nine officers. His unit became the first black tank unit to see combat in WWII but Robinson missed combat due to court.

xmBb TIL a man convicted for violating a century-old Michigan law against swearing near women and children challenged it in court and eventually won with the courts striking down the law.
nW9gB TIL about the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. US President Benjamin Harrison made the declaration that on 22 April 1889 at 12pm the Unassigned Land in Indian Territory would be open for settlement. At the time of the opening, which was indicated by gunshot, 50.000 people were lined up at the start
WK1o TIL Tardigrades are tiny creatures that are capable of removing the majority of their body water, allowing them to survive in extreme conditions; atmospheric pressures of up to 600 times that of the surface of the earth, 300 degrees below zero and even the vacuum and radiation in space.
nWaj9 TIL recurring dreams about being unprepared for—or failing—an exam symbolises that we are feeling unprepared in regard to a challenging situation in waking life. The subconscious mind is referring to the past in order to provide similarities to help make sense of our current experience
JOVj TIL in 2006 a temporary second moon (mini-moon ) was found orbiting the earth till June 2007 and is expected to be recaptured by the earth later in this century.