› added 2 years ago


TIL Michael Jackson incorporated rap into his music and The Notorious B.I.G. appeared in his song "Unbreakable" released for Invincible in 2001. Biggie's rap was originally for the album "I Can't Stop the Reign"

BrbVb TIL Victoria's Secret bras have RFID tracking technology in them, so they can collect information on you as you wear them for their own marketing analysis.
p8A6Q TIL after a student failed the math portion of Minnesota’s Basic Standards Tests her father demanded to see the exam, threatening to sue for it. A series of scoring errors were found meaning math scores for 45,739 Minnesota students were wrong and 7,935 students who were told they failed had passed.
awZ6J TIL: Two billion years ago, a uranium deposit at the present-day location of the Oklo mine in Gabon, west Africa, had just the right environmental characteristics to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. With ground water acting as a moderator, it operated like a natural version of a nuclear reactor.
AwBl TIL there is a highway in space called The Interplanetary Superhighway. It was mapped out by NASA scientists to send probes around the solar system with the least resistance using gravity.
9Yv57 TIL Due to overfishing, less than 10% of the global fisheries catch now comes from the open ocean. An end to high-seas fishing would in effect create a vast marine protected area in nearly 2/3 of the world’s oceans, allowing fish stocks to rebuild. With the ban, fishermen would actually catch more.