› added 1 year ago


TIL There were 15 Prime Ministers during Queen Elizabeth II's reign. The first was Winston Curchill, born 1874, the last was Liz Truss, born 101 years later in 1975.

woyP6 TIL of the mummy of Takabuti, a young ancient Egyptian woman who died from an axe blow to her back. A study of the proteins in her leg muscles allowed researchers to hypothesise that she had been running for some time before she was killed.
Z8QdG TIL around 3000 ethnic groups around the world use insects as a source of food. Insect eating is common in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. 80% of the world's nations eat insects of 1000 to 2000 species. About 2 billion people worldwide regularly consume insects.
1aLa7 TIL "The father of modern chemistry", Antoine Lavoisier, was accused of defrauding the French government and convicted to be executed via guillotine. His judge responded to the appeal to save his life by saying, "The Republic needs neither scholars nor chemists."
7nQP TIL we still don’t know who was sending anthrax-laden letters to senators and news media in 2001. Evidence against the top suspect is flimsy at best, and he died of apparent suicide in 2008.
awd5J TIL Sloths only poop once a week, and when they do they lose up to 1/5th of their body weight. Pooping for sloths is also responsible for 50% of their deaths, as being down on the ground is a vulnerable time for them. Overall, the entire trip to poop uses 8% of their daily energy needs.