› added 2 years ago


TIL language can affect how we perceive color. This was studied in the Himbas tribe, who have a measurably difficult time distinguishing between blue and green, because they use the same word to categorize both.

8avRL TIL Adrien Brody, in order to star as Wladyslaw Szpilman in The Pianist, "withdrew for months, gave up his apartment and his car, broke up with his then-girlfriend, learned how to play Chopin on the piano, and lost 29" pounds, which earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor at 29 years old.
7KOL TIL that airplane windows were once square until 3 fatal crashes in the 50’s were caused by the windows. Corners are weak points(4 on a window) and stress/pressure can cause these points to crack
grw5b TIL: In 2019, historians analyzed portraits of Spanish Habsburgs, and discovered a correlation between the prominence of a person's Habsburg Jaw and his degree of inbreeding
R7ok8 TIL of Juan Luna, a painter who killed his wife and her mother in Paris in 1892, because he suspected his wife of having had an affair. He was arrested but acquitted on the basis of temporary insanity. At the time in France there was an “unwritten law” that forgave men for killing unfaithful wives.
LkZyZ TIL when French activist, feminist and playwright Olympe de Gouges wrote "Declaration of the Rights of women and the Female Citizen" in 1791, in response to "Declaration of the Rights of Men" of 1789 which came after French Revolution; she was accused of treason and executed.