› added 2 years ago


TIL in WW1 British engineers spent two years digging tunnels under German lines, using them to set off 19 massive explosions simultaneously

A8yB TIL that the leaders of the UK, France, Italy, and the Netherlands were among those who opposed German reunification in 1989-1990; the Italian prime minister said, “I love Germany so much that I prefer to see two of them.” The Irish and US governments were among the few to support reunification.
e0LOJ TIL Tiffany Haddish’s mother Leola suffered severe brain damage in a car accident that Tiffany’s stepfather caused. He had tampered with the brakes on her mother's car, intending the wreck to kill Haddish, her siblings, and her mother so he could collect on their life insurance policies.
OoRQe TIL of the 'Toddler's Truce', where no TV programmes were scheduled to air in post-war Britain between 6-7 PM. The thinking was that ending the programmes at 6 would give parents time to put children to bed before evening programmes began; it would remain in place until 1957
4l6R TIL of a Biotech firm that can create fake rhino horns indistinguishable from real ones, and plans to flood the market with them so as to crash the price of Rhino horns and disincentive poaching.
YGvZ TIL Eric Clapton was long-conned by a witch who got him to take herbal baths, smear his own blood, & chant midnight incantations, all with a phone call. She convinced him to fly to the US to have sex with a virgin (herself), began asking for money, then sent pregnant pics of herself to the tabloids.