› added 4 months ago


TIL That the reason most people did not smile in old photographs was due to long exposure times, ranging anywhere from 20 seconds to 20 mins the subjects had to hold perfectly still.

Yplvd TIL the Coronation Chair used by English & British monarchs, since 1308, for their coronation ceremonies has graffiti on due to Westminster schoolboys and visitors carving their names on it during the 18th & 19th centuries. One tourist carving reads "P. Abbott slept in this chair 5-6 July 1800".
Z88dY TIL there is no law against public photography in Canada; no one can ever be arrested for the simple act of making a picture or film, unless other laws are being broken in the process. Police on duty also have no reasonable expectation of privacy
eppd4 TIL ‘Operation bodyguard’ was used in WW2, a combination of inflatable tanks, phoney insignias, fake radio transmissions, dummy paratroopers and even feeding faulty information to mislead spies. These efforts helped delude Germany into believing Calais would be the site of the D-day landings.
OGeKX TIL that smokers whose insula got damaged after a stroke were able to quit smoking easily one day after the stroke, with no relapse and urges, suggesting that this brain region might play a role in nicotine addiction.
xVxmk TIL in 1990, Julia Roberts and Kiefer Sutherland were to be married - but Julia ran away to Europe with Kiefer's best friend. Humiliated, Kiefer took solace in steer roping. And despite breaking three fingers at his first rodeo he persevered to become a tournament-winning rider on the rodeo circuit.