› added 3 months ago


TIL the US has produced more serial killers than any other country accounting for 3,615 of the 5,454 known cases, or 66.2%.

gr1m8 TIL humans have smaller jaws and bigger brains than our primate forebears because of a mutation in the MYH16 gene. The jaw muscles are made smaller and weaker as a result of the gene mutation, which lessens the force applied to the skull, which can expand, letting the brain grow bigger.
v1gYD TIL that French Bulldogs cannot swim because their flat snouts and top-heavy bodies make it hard to keep their heads above water. If you insist on having a swimming Frenchie, you can buy a tiny lifejacket for them---but be sure to supervise them at all times.
6ybY TIL on 1969 the pilot Pete Matthes was declared missing in action in the Vietnam War. In 1978 he was declared killed in action. In 1992 Pete’s secret pilot authenticator code was detected from a satellite photo outside Dong Vai prison in North Vietnam. His Body never was found.
p8egO TIL: The only state governor to be assassinated was Kentucky’s William Goebel. He was shot soon after the election ended, and was sworn into office while on his death bed. His only official business as governor was to call off the militia looking for the person who shot him.
RD6a TIL that Russian Jewish engineer Jakow Trachtenberg developed a system of rapid mental calculation (The Trachtenberg system) while being held in a Nazi concentration camp in order to keep his mind occupied.