› added 2 years ago


TIL the public library in Aarhus, Denmark has a 25-ft 3-ton bronze bell named 'The Gong' that rings every time a baby is born in the city. It is connected to the maternity ward in the local hospital, where mothers can press a button after giving birth to ring The Gong

a8OMJ TIL that the 2017 Japanese zombie comedy ‘One cut of the dead’, ( which was filmed as a one-shot feature), made box office history by earning over a thousand times its budget. It was made for the low budget of $25,000, and earned over $57 millions.
5Ron TIL that in 1970, Bill Murray cracked a joke to another passenger at O'Hare International Airport about carrying a bomb in his suitcase. A ticket agent who overheard the joke summoned the US Marshalls. They didn’t find explosives in the bag, but instead found 10 pounds of weed.
Oomda TIL that "Lawrence of Arabia" star Peter O'Toole was famous for his drunk shenanigans. During one epic drinking session with Oscar-winning actor Peter Finch, they tried to order drinks at a bar after closing time. The landlord refused to serve them - so they wrote out a cheque and bought the bar
grLm4 TIL it would cost at least $130,000 to charter a one way flight to get home to my kid like the mom tries to do in Home Alone. The McAlisters are loaded.
yPkV TIL that Ron Howard has given each of his children the middle name of where they were conceived: Bryce (Dallas), Jocelyn and Paige (Carlyle; Carlyle Hotel, NYC), and Reed (Cross; famous London street. Reed was named after the street because according to Howard, “Volvo isn’t a very good middle name.”