› added 1 year ago


TIL the devastating 1755 Lisbon earthquake caused king Joseph I to develop severe claustrophobia and he refused to live inside a walled building. His court instead ruled from a series of tents.

p8Ma4 TIL bacon ice cream started as a joke in a 1973 Two Ronnie's sketch and was later made for real in 1982 as an April Fools joke. By 2005 however, chef Heston Blumenthal would be serving bacon ice cream at his 3 Michelin star restaurant, the Fat Duck - the #1 restaurant in the world at the time.
6MnX TIL real scientists conducted a real study to learn that cats do indeed recognize their owners’ voices … but 10,000 years of cohabiting with humans keeps them from giving a damn.
rRDEw TIL: of the Merryhill museum of art in middle of nowhere Washington State, originally intended as a country mansion for entrepreneur Sam Hill, In 1917 he was convinced by a friend to turn it into “a museum for the public good, and for the betterment of French art in the far Northwest of America.”
KgZa TIL “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is about Shaka The Lion, a warrior king of the Zulus who resisted the armies of European colonizers. The song claims that he is not dead, only sleeping, and he will one day return to lead his oppressed people to freedom.
oRVJo TIL in 1983 Yankee outfielder Dave Winfield threw a ball at a seagull while warming up between innings, killing it. Afterward he was charged with cruelty to animals. Manager Billy Martin, "It's the first time he's hit the cutoff man all season."