› added 7 years ago


TIL Steve Jobs could have avoided a premature death from cancer by having it properly treated, he refused it for 9 months, believing an alternative-medicine diet would be better. It was one of Steve Jobs’ most notable regrets.

7rdQp TIL that when a German noble wanted to marry one of his wife's ladies-in-waiting, he received the approval of Martin Luther to marry her secretly, because divorce is worse than bigamy. After the scandal became public, Luther told him to "tell a good, strong lie" and deny the marriage completely
bEZa TIL Marty Feldman, who played Igor in “Young Frankenstein,” clandestinely moved his hump from side to side during filming for several days until someone noticed it. It was then added to the script and made into a recurring gag.
b91Rp TIL there is no Queen of England. The sovereign nation called England came to an end in 1707 following union with Scotland.
xVvE0 TIL that Homosexuality and homo-eroticism in China have been documented since ancient times and were regarded as a normal facet of life in China prior to Western influence from 1840 onward. There was even a matchmaker god for homosexual relationships whose temple was destroyed during WW2.
9YBZB TIL About 120,000 Chinese tourists visited North Korea in 2018, compared to fewer than 5,000 Western tourists. The Chinese government also offers 60 students full scholarships to North Korean universities each year and 70 other Chinese students pay their own way there