› added 8 years ago


TIL James Lipton personally chose Dave Chappelle to interview him for the 200th episode of “Inside the Actors Studio.” Chappelles flight to the shows location was delayed, causing the interview to start late at 10:15 p.m. and didn’t end until 1:30 a.m. None of the 750 guests left early.

ADE8B TIL of "Zonal" languages. Zonals are like universal languages but for a specific language family. Slavic, Germanic, and Romance languages would all have their own "Zonal" designed using familiar rules/logic/alphabet/etc. The goal is promoting greater regional cohesion in a language zone.
6Ewa7 TIL: An interesting yet unexplained phenomenon is that men have erections while dreaming (REM sleep), even when the dream is void of salacious content. The ancient cultures that believed soul flies away during dreams, typically depict dreaming by an erection and a bird flying away from the body.
mxe0y TIL of John Nash ( Portrayed by Russell Crowe in movie 'A Beautiful Mind') rejection of a long standing 2 century Economic Theory by Adam Smith. It lead him to win the Nobel Prize in 1994 for his own Game Theory. He got the idea with his friends in a bar with 4 average brunette & 1 pretty blonde.
rNGB4 TIL Human feet are being found on the beach in the Pacific North West of the United States. So far there have been 20 random feet in the past couple of decades.
16RMP TIL about the ghost army of WWII. Special troops used to deceive German command about the size, location, and plans using impersonation, prop equipment, and radio misinformation.