› added 9 years ago


TIL that Indonesia found that a dead Manta Ray is worth $40-$500 dollars, while Manta Ray tourism can bring in $1,000,000+ during a single Ray’s life. Indonesia now has 2.2 million square miles of protected ocean for the Manta Ray.

AD8Pa TIL during the US prohibition era, medicinal liquor was fraudulently exploited in many scams, one doctor cited for writing 475 prescriptions for whiskey in one day. Charles R. Walgreen, the founder of Walgreen's pharmacies expanded from 20 stores to a staggering 525 during the 1920s.
6Bm7 TIL that testicles have taste receptors and they are essential for reproduction. In testing with mice, researchers found that when the taste receptors were removed from the mice, the mice became infertile.
d8G4K TIL the first time Led Zeppelin licensed one of its songs for commercial use was giving the song "Rock And Roll" to Cadillac for a television commercial. The band earned a "ridiculous" fee for this but Cadillac saw sales increase by 16% the following year.
OoBMa TIL big companies use price announcements as a way of coordinating prices with competitors to avoid antitrust regulations. Airline, shipping, chemical, pharamceutical and telecoms firms have all used price announcements as a way to ensure competitors maintain market prices.
rWG4 TIL that there’s a small college in Oregon with its own nuclear reactor, run by undergraduate students. It has more female reactor operators than all the other research reactors in the world …combined.