› added 12 years ago


TIL in 1966–the same year as “Paint It Black,” “Yellow Submarine,” “Substitute,” “Wild Thing,” “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg,” “You Can’t Hurry Love,” “The Sounds of Silence,” and “Hold On, I’m Comin’ ”–Billboard’s #1 song of the year was “The Ballad of the Green Berets.”

OomK7 TIL the free use of -ass to form punchy adjectives began 100 years ago, with words like "fat-ass" and "silly-ass". By the 1950's, it was particularly productive in forming new American slang. Smart-ass, candy-ass, bad-ass, and crazy-ass were all first found in the 1950s.
8a8wP TIL that a snail known as the geography cone is the most venomous animal on earth. Its venom is a mix of hundreds of toxins delivered through a harpoon-like tooth — and there's no anti-venom.
Z8jwD TIL the key to American victory in the Revolutionary War was the 75-ton “Great Chain” that stretched across the Hudson River to prevent the British from moving inland. It was such an obstacle, they paid Benedict Arnold £20,000 for the plans to the Chain’s main defenses, at Fort West Point
grZEb TIL IBM made the punch card systems the Nazi’s used to catalog people who were sent to the camps. Anyone who had a number tattoo was most likely assigned it from an IBM punch card system.
8abAa TIL there is a colony of wild wallabies living in Hawaii. In 1916 they were flown into Oahu to be a part of a private zoo, but escaped after neighborhood dogs attacked (and killed one of) them.