› added 8 years ago


TIL on the first day of business for shoe company Vans, the owners forgot to have cash on hand for change. The 12 customers that purchased shoes that first day were all asked to return the following day to pay for their shoes and all 12 did

JYwoB TIL that the character of Austin Powers was created by Mike Myers as a persona for his faux 60s rock band Ming Tea. His then wife loved the persona so much that she encouraged him to write a film about the character.
4XjDJ TIL Waylon Jennings asked for a $25k advance on his royalties in '72; RCA countered with $5k. When a mtg on it between him, his business mgr and the RCA bosses went silent, he walked out to take a piss. Upon returning he had a deal for the $25k advance and creative control over his next album.
Bo0K TIL when “Breaking Bad” was proposed to TV networks, 2 TNT executives loved the story pitch about a middle-aged teacher diagnosed with cancer and turning to a life of crime, but feared getting fired from their jobs over the meth storyline and wanted to change Walter White into a counterfeiter.
6EBPY TIL A deer poacher in Missouri is sentenced to watch Bambi once every month during his yearlong prison term
WkpWB TIL that Hanns Scharff, German Luftwaffe's "master interrogator," instead of physical torture on POWs used techniques like nature walks, going out for a pleasant lunch, and swimming where the subject would reveal information on their own. He helped shape US interrogation techniques after the war.