› added 5 years ago


TIL Fritz Haber invented the process for modern agricultural fertilizer thus saving millions of lives from starvation. He also pioneered chemical weapons processes which killed and horribly injured hundreds of thousands during WWI. His wife, son, and grand daughter all committed suicide.

jEdp TIL Shakira has been making music for more than 23 years and can play the guitar, drums, percussion and harmonica. She also speaks 7 different languages, is the founder of a charity called Pies Descalzos and is a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF.
lowy1 TIL that in 1942, in order to sell war bonds, the city of Winnipeg Canada staged a simulated Nazi occupation which included firefights, political arrests, book burnings, and even flying the swastika over Lower Fort Garry, the city's historic center. Over $65 million was raised.
9R9X TIL that some people get magnets implanted under their skin so they can feel electromagnetic fields and pick stuff up with them.
WBXN TIL Johnny Cash nearly destroyed an entire species. When Johnny Cash’s truck overheated and went up in flames, he decided to step aside instead of call for help. As a result, a square mile of the forest was burned and 50% of the California Condors bird species were killed. He was fined $82,000
EeOw TIL the investigation of Adam Walsh’s abduction was alleged to be incompetent; they lost the bloodstained carpet from the suspect’s Cadillac, the machete used to decapitate Adam, and eventually the car itself. The suspect was never charged, though he provided accurate descriptions of how he did it.