› added 4 years ago


TIL in 2012 three researchers proved that many classic Nintendo games are NP-hard by developing a framework for reducing the 3SAT problem to any platform game. This means the question "given a finite level of a game, can the player move from start to finish?" is not computable in polynomial time.

OGJpa TIL: In 1912, a ship carrying Christmas trees was wrecked, killing all those onboard. Since then, stories of a ghostly Christmas Tree Ship began and the area became a tourist attraction with a museum containing parts of the ship. The trees were meant to be sold for between 50 cents and a dollar.
EMOx TIL Anthony Hopkins’s inspiration for Hannibal Lecter was a cat. “…I sort of modeled my walk on a cat’s. I like cats, and I love the way they pad around. I wanted to get that feel when Lecter is padding very quietly and stealthily in the shadows around the streets of Florence.”
1aoKV TIL that when Marlon Brando won the Oscar for 'The Godfather,' he sent an Apache woman up on stage to refuse the award, on behalf of the mistreatment of Native Americans in Hollywood.
Jjll TIL there is an independent surrealist horror film that was filmed illegally in Disney world with actors having to use guerrilla tactics like having their scripts on their phones to film undetected
l7GAB TIL that there was a real-life Lord of the Flies-esque situation where school boys were stuck on a deserted island for 15 months but the boys banded together rather than feuding.