› added 3 years ago


TIL Anni-Fryd Lyngstad, one of the lead singers of the band ABBA, was a child of a Nazi soldier during the occupation of Norway as part of Nazi breeding experiments

1aND8 TIL when Steve Buscemi was 4-years-old he was hit by a bus and managed to survive with a fractured skull. He received a $6,000 settlement from the city that was to be collected from a trust fund when he turned 18. When Buscemi turned 18, he used part of the money to pay for full-time acting classes.
wLEoM TIL Rastafarians believed Haille Selassie, then king of Ethiopia to be the second coming of Jesus. Selassie refuted this and publicly denied his immorality. Rastafarians took this as proof he was in fact Jesus. Selassie's subsequent death in 1975 resulted in a crisis of faith for many Rastafarians.
695AZ TIL that in 1965, astronaut John Young got in trouble for sneaking a corned beef sandwich on the Gemini 3 mission, which posed a risk of crumbs messing with vital space equipment.
Ww4L TIL that when Jackie Gleason needed $200 for a train ticket to New York (he was afraid of flying), he went to a local storekeeper and asked for a loan. When the shopkeeper asked for ID, Gleason took him to a movie theater to watch a movie he was in. Gleason got the loan, and paid it back promptly.
nae7 TIL that Benjamin Franklin was an avid swimmer, and while in London in his 20s swam 3 ½ miles from Chelsea to Blackfriars, impressed onlookers with “feats of activity,” and seriously considered staying in England for good to found a swimming school and earn his fortune.