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TIL when Fatima Othman, a disabled street beggar, died in an abandoned car in Beirut, she was found to be carrying 5 million Lebanese ounds in cash and a deposit book showing more than $1 million in savings.

d8DWd No one is entirely sure. Water has high surface tension, yet the molecules at its surface are unstable, which makes the air-surface interface mysterious and difficult to describe. Satoshi Nihonyanagi, a researcher at a molecular-spectroscopy lab in Japan, studies water and its surface—"specifically probing the interface," he calls it—using isotopically diluted H2O, which doesn't vibrate and is easier to observe. He's found that some water molecules are bound to others by a single hydrogen bond.
b6rrj TIL that our blood is red because it is rich in iron. Some animals have blue blood because it is rich in copper.
Y7xaG TIL Author Paek Nam-nyong is a household name in North Korea and his bestseller novel "Friend" became the first state-sanctioned novel available to English readers
AGbn TIL the burning sensation felt when applying rubbing alcohol to cuts is caused by nerve cells in the cut that are trying to protect you by responding to heat. The alcohol lowers the amount of heat needed to turn on these cells so much that your own body temperature causes the burning.
wL14E TIL TED held its first conference in 1984 and included presentations from Apple, Sony and other professionals. It was a finalcial flop and it took 6 years for them to organize the next event in 1990.