› added 4 years ago


TIL that there's a genetic abnormality called Turner Syndrome, which occurs when the second X chromosome is partially or completely missing, which can cause internal and external physical deformities, as well as vision and hearing and problems, and learning disabilities.

yQdav TIL About John List, who killed his entire family in 1971. The murders were so precisely planned, it took a month for anyone to notice. He was caught in 1989, after a forensic artist created a lifelike bust of him, analysing Lists’ personality to get it right, and it was on America’s Most Wanted.
xVn05 TIL From 1847, Rudolf Wolf started counting sunspots. He peered through a telescope every day, if he could, and recorded the number of spots he observed. Today, all sorts of models use Wolf's sunspot record to predict things like the climate, the orbit of satellites, and the stability of power grids
E1KMV TIL The Jain temple of Kolanpak in India is home to a 5-foot (1.5 m) high sculpture of Mahavira that is carved entirely out of jade. It is the largest sculpture made from a single jade rock in the world.
jwOM TIL that more people died during the Mao Era in China (49m to 78m) than all World War II casualties included (40m-72m). Making it the most mortiferous event in human history, only topped by the Black Plague in Europe.
8elxZ TIL that the "Perfect Aryan" poster child that was widely used in Nazi propaganda was actually Jewish. The photo was selected from a Nazi-held contest, where the photographer of the baby had submitted the photo as an ironic joke.