› added 5 years ago


TIL Files kept secret for 60 years indicate British intelligence may have knowingly sent more than 50 of its own agents to almost certain death in occupied Holland during the Second World War as part of a complicated "double double agent" game played against the Germans.

R54BQ TIL serial killer David Berkowitz, better known as the Son of Sam, wrote a letter in response to the 2002 D.C. sniper attacks in which he told the shooters to "stop hurting innocent people".
78ZPx TIL that the horror cliché of zombies eating brains dates back to the 1985 horror-comedy film “Return of the Living Dead”, in which the zombies didn’t eat brains out of hunger, but instead because it eased the "pain" of being a zombie.
e0ZYJ TIL when Hitler was Chancellor Jewish orgs/papers said, "nobody would dare to touch Jewish constitutional rights", "forces are active that would turn against a barbarian anti-Jewish policy.", "It is a hopeless misjudgement to think that one could force a dictatorial regime upon the German nation."
xV897 TIL that Kurt Cobain met and made an album with his idol novelist William Burroughs. After Cobain left their first meeting with each other in October 1993, Burroughs said to his secretary "There is something wrong with that boy, he frowns for no good reason".
y11p TIL there was some controversy to the inclusion of Chuck Berry’s ‘Johnny B. Goode’ on the Voyager Golden Record. Carl Sagan was told that rock music was adolescent. Sagan responded, “There are a lot of adolescents on the planet.”