› added 4 years ago


TIL due to the overuse of the word "sorry" in Canada, Ontario lawmakers passed the "Apology Act" in 2009. Saying sorry could no longer be used against you in a court of law and that it represents an "expression of sympathy or regret” and not “an admission of fault or liability."

l00K TIL Japanese police fire paint-balls at fleeing vehicles so that other police vehicles can see them and to identify them at a later date if they get away. The paint is Bright orange and difficult to remove.
J8mB TIL The word “silhouette” derives from Étienne de Silhouette, French finance minister, whom imposed severe economic demands upon the French. Prior to the advent of photography, profiles cut from black card were the cheapest way of recording a person’s appearance. Therefore, the connection.
x6oM5 TIL Vichy Pastilles were a digestive aid turned confectionery invented in 1825. The Vichy Regime of WW2 used the sweets as propaganda and did not ration them, unlike other foodstuffs. The name of the sweets is known to make some French citizens uneasy.
rBJ1 TIL an abandoned Walmart was converted into America’s largest single-floor library (124,500 square feet)
xrB1 TIL that throughout Alexander Graham Bell’s life, he fought against deaf people’s rights, worked at finding out why they married to stop them, called the deaf a “great calamity”, and even went so far as calling Sign Language “…contrary to the spirit and practice of America-…”