› added 5 years ago


TIL after Chamillionaire won a Grammy for “Ridin’”, he approached ‘Weird Al’ Yancovic on the red carpet, thanked him for the “White and Nerdy” parody and told him “I think your parody is a big reason why I won this Grammy, because you made it undeniable that my song was the rap song of the year."

XPek TIL; The IRS was supposed to be a temporary measure. Its only period of suspension to date has been 1872-1894.
jNelX TIL That there was once a phone booth in the middle of the Mojave desert that was demolished because it became famous on the internet
j7aQ TIL that in 1978, 2 kids found a Ferrari Dino buried in their yard.
paMA TIL Sea Otters have the densest fur of any mammal in the world
aweGo TIL over 80% of the world have never flown on an airplane