› added 5 years ago


TIL Asphalt pavements are America's most recycled product. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) can be recycled into pavement that is as high, or even higher, in quality as pavements made of all-virgin materials. And, the same material can be recycled again and again; it never loses its value.

OoOp6 Today I learned a cult called "The Family" believed their leader, Anne Hamilton-Byrne, was Jesus reincarnated as a female and her inner circle was the reincarnated disciples of Jesus
gMK94 TIL A football is a prolate spheroid, and it’s shaped that way because that’s also the shape of an inflated pig’s bladder, which is what the first footballs were made of
OodbL TIL about Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s. Scapegoated for taking jobs away from "real" Americans during the Great Depression, state and local governments illegally forced hundreds of thousands of fellow citizens into forced exile simply for having Mexican ancestry.
neJy7 TIL When Dutch biking company VanMoof began shipping their bikes to the USA a lot of them were arriving to their new customers damaged, so they decide to put an image of an expensive, flat-screen television on the cardboard boxes.
LQ0lZ TIL that the first presentation of Tourette syndrome (a neurological disorder characterised by the presence of motor and vocal tics) is thought to be in the 15th-century book Malleus Maleficarum, which describes a priest whose tics were "believed to be related to possession by the devil".