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TIL, during Korean War, U.S Navy pilot Royce Williams shot down 4 swept-wing Soviet MiG-15s in a single mission on November 18, 1952, while flying a straight-wing F9F Panther. It is considered a unique feat since the MiGs have better high-altitude performance than the F9F, and was faster by 100 MPH.

0w4kM TIL Vans' original store didn't have any shoes for sale when it opened in 1966. Still, 12 people ordered shoes based on the samples on display, but when they returned to get their shoes, the owners couldn't make change. The owners said to take the shoes and return later to pay. All 12 customers did.
P11PV TIL scientists once swapped DNA cells between a human zygote and a mouse zygote to see what would happen. While the mouse zygote was able to reprogram and become a mouse, the human zygote "soon died" in every attempt, with no clear view on what would form.
x6kX1 TIL in the 1800s, Mary Toft convinced doctors she gave birth to 17 rabbits by inserting their body parts into her uterus. The bizarre hoax was uncovered, and Toft charged with fraud. Her story, known as "Rabbit Woman of Godalming," has been the subject of literature and art.
LQDMv TIL Why an Internet Tycoon Purchased a Book for 1.5 Million Dollars | To Give It Away For Free! | Leading Philanthropist Buying Rarest Books on The Planet for Outrageous Prices
KOw06 TIL Rob McElhenney (Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) intentionally got fatter as the show progressed as a way of fighting the trend of actors on TV shows getting more attractive over time