› added 10 years ago


TIL Tim Schafer, during his Lucasfilm phone interview, said he loved their game “Ball Blaster”, which was the name of the pirated version of the game “Ball Blazer”. To make up for it, he sent his cover letter in the form of a semi-graphic adventure and got the job.

epeML TIL Ringo Starr had tuberculosis as a child and spent two years recovering in a sanitorium. To entertain himself he used a wooden bobbin to drum objects and developed his love of drumming.
rRynw TIL that in medievel England, eels were used and accepted , to an extent, as currency, mostly in rental agreements. Many rental agreements, where the landlord would stipulate the rent due in "eel currency" were found. 25 eels would be a "stick". 10 sticks a bind.
kOykg TIL in 1984 a pair of brothers were surprised when the fictitious, “Johnny Klomberg”, they made up for a Baskin Robbins free birthday ice cream list, received a Selective Service notice by mail a few years later reminding “Johnny” that he was almost 18, and it was time to register for the draft.
78V5O TIL of the British warship the HMS Shannon that captured the USS Chesapeake during The War of 1812. The Shannon’s unimpressive appearance which was on the expressed order of the captain Philip Broke, fooled the enemy into vastly underestimating her highly well trained crew.
bMQ4 TIL Daniel Radcliffe’s stuntdouble for the first 6 Harry Potter movies is paralyzed from an accident on set during the filming of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows….X-Post r/Wtf_facts