› added 10 years ago


TIL that human zoos were a popular attraction throughout Europe and the United States as late as the 1950s. These attractions depicted africans and american natives as wild animals; some allowed spectators to throw bananas into the cages to feed the “savages.” NSFW

ODP7 TIL in 1920 the US Army bombed coal miners in WV who were striking for better treatment and living conditions
mx8Gy TIL in United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc. the United States Supreme Court ruled Hollywood's Big Five could no longer own movie theaters, thus breaking up their oligopoly. Before its ruling, Hollywood studios controlled the filming, producing, printing and distribution of their movies.
m9NM TIL after Sitting Bull was released from prison, he joined the Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show making $50 per week for riding once around the arena. Quickly getting annoyed with the audience, he quit and returned to his people saying “I would rather die an Indian than live a white man.”
wLgeW TIL During the 2018 World Cup, Burger King released an advertisement promising to give a cash prize of $47,000 and a lifetime supply of whoppers to any Russian woman that got pregnant by a World Cup player to ensure Russia's success.
a8OGA TIL when Coney Island's Steeplechase amusement park burned down in 1907 the park's owner placed a sign the next day that read "On this site will be built a bigger, better, Steeplechase Park. Admission to the burning ruins — Ten cents"