› added 7 years ago


TIL that certain types of music can reduce anxiety in dogs, which can be useful during fireworks, thunderstorms, and separation. In a study when solo piano at 50-60 bpm was played, 85% became more clam, and over half of the dogs went to sleep

X5gk TIL self-taught naturalist Ray Stanford shocked paleontologists by routinely finding hundreds of dinosaur prints in suburban Washington DC where only a handful had been discovered before. He has a unique ability to recognize patterns and abnormalities in rock. He also claims seeing UFOs in clouds.
yV57M TIl since 2005 and redevelopment made by Jane Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, the Alnwick Garden includes a section devoted to intoxicating and poisonous plants such as hemlock, castor oil plant, nightshade, cannabis, coca and opium poppy
OGYLR TIL In the month after media coverage of plane accidents, road traffic and road accidents in the U.S. increase. For every article published about a plane accident in a major news source, 1.3 additional road accidents happen the next month.
j6KBX TODAY I LEARNED The hardest working muscle in your body is your heart—it pumps more than 2,000 gallons of blood a day and beats more than 2.5 billion times in a 70-year life span
OoRGR TIL about Vashti Bunyan, a folk singer from the late 60's that quit her career after her first album was poorly received. Only for it to gain a cult following 30 years later, selling in excess of £3500 online, all without her knowledge. She then returned to her music career with 2 more albums.