› added 11 years ago


TIL that there exists footage of I Love Lucy that was filmed in color by a fan in the audience. Color footage of the show was so rare that the clip was included on the I Love Lucy “Complete Edition” DVD set

wLWvE TIL that some of the boulevard medians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin have 8-10 ft deep bunkers with toilets in them, originally installed in the 1930s as a convenience for city workers who were out and about all day without access to a toilet
xVpn7 TIL that dogs were once used in kitchens to turn spits for roasting meats. The Canis vertigus, or turnspit, was an essential part of every large kitchen in Britain in the 16th century. The small cooking canine was bred to run in a wheel that turned a roasting spit in cavernous kitchen fireplaces.
4kk6b TIL about "Pittsburgh toilets," common fixtures in pre-WWII houses built in Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding region. It consists of an ordinary flush toilet installed in the basement, with no surrounding walls to in order to prevent sewage backups from occurring on the main floor of the house.
VMXlB TIL That when the VOICE hotline was set up earlier this year for reporting criminal activity of illegal aliens, it was flooded with calls reporting space aliens and Bigfoot sightings
QJAre TIL that Lt. Pham Quang Khiem managed to escape South Vietnam in April 1975 with 53 relatives and friends by stealing a C-130a and flying to Singapore. They were later flown to Guam and then the US, where Pham became a pilot for US Airways. The C-130a is currently at the National Warplane Museum.