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TIL that Hitler was jeered by an angry crowd in Hof, near Nuremberg in 1941-the only time he was opposed to his face in public during his 12 years of rule.

loLra TIL that National Reconnaissance Office donated two Hubble-class telescopes to The National Science Foundation, because they were only gathering dust in a warehouse. NRO is the agency in charge of USA's spy satellities, the donation was prompted by the two telescopes becoming obsolete for spying.
jNEQa TIL Anoka, Minnesota was the first U.S. city to put on a Halloween celebration when they did so in 1920 to divert youngsters from Halloween pranks. It was also proclaimed "The Halloween Capital of the World" by Congress in 1937. Today, tens of thousands of people visits Anoka annually for Halloween.
QNWQX TIL of Mills Darden whose confirmed height was 7’6 (229 cm) and weighed around 860-1,020 lbs (390 to 460 kg). He was capable of tossing 500-pound (230 kg) piles of hay with ease and single-handedly carried 12 feed sacks (1200lb, 544kg, 85 stone) over 1.2 miles (1.9 km).
D1ZND TIL Buster Keaton's famous stunt when a building facade collapses on him, with an open window fitting perfectly around his body, used no trickery. The facade weighed two tonnes, and the mark on the ground telling him exactly where to stand to avoid being crushed was a nail.
R7Er1 TIL while "instant mashed potatoes" tend to be associated with modern and instant foods, the process of drying and grinding starchy vegetables for storage goes back to ancient times. The Incas made a freeze-dried potato food called chuño and Japanese Ainu cuisine also uses ground and dried potatoes.