› added 1 year ago


TIL that the length of a minute has varied throughout history. In ancient Babylon, a minute was equal to just 1/70th of an hour, and in ancient Egypt it was 1/100th of an hour. The length of a minute was finally standardized to 60 seconds in 1800s. (They also modeled it after how long my ex lasted)

Z86lG TIL there is a blood sport known as Spider Fighting, where two spiders are placed on opposite ends of a stick and pushed towards the middle to fight one another. In 2002, inmates in a Florida prison got into a fight resulting in life threatening injuries over the theft of a pet fighting spider.
O1O1 TIL it was cheaper to hire an Irishman than a donkey in the Pennsylvania coal mining days of the 1800s. That’s where the insult Donkey to the Irish came from
0A1y TIL out of 2.7 million traffic accidents in the U.S. recorded in 25 states over the course of a year, only 1.6 percent were caused by drivers who exceeded the posted speed limit.
7rLoM TIL that during construction of the new Yankee Stadium, a construction worker and avid Boston Red Sox fan buried a replica jersey of Red Sox player David Ortiz underneath the visitors' dugout with the objective of placing a "hex" on the Yankees, much like the "Curse of the Bambino."
a8G19 TIL In 2009, a Chinese man jumped into a panda enclosure to retrieve his son's toy. As the panda came rushing at him, he attempted to escape. However, bystanders urged him to stand his ground, thinking the panda was harmless. The panda bit the man on both legs, resulting in a lot of blood loss.